Wednesday, April 2, 2008

new friend

Meet my new friend--- Ziggy. He's the screensaver on my new computer. I don't know if any of you read The Secret but after reading that book I swear it was either the Universe or divine intervention because I got exactly what I wanted, a new Sony Vaio laptop from the specs to the color- Sangria. I didn't know how or when I was going to get one but I knew I wanted that laptop. So I applied the principles of the Secret by visionalizing my new computer. Then one day while writing, Boogie (my HP) crashed beyond repairs. No computer meant no writing, good excuse because I don't push the pen. At first I was pissed because my HP wasn't even two years old and the cost of repairs was just as much as a new computer. But low and behold a couple of weeks later after budgeting for a new laptop I got one as gift. WOW- amazing huh? That just goes to show you that anything is possible as long as you ask, beleive, and receive as if you already have it. So I ready to take the Secret a little further and see what the power of positive thinking has in store for me and my writing endeavors.


Anonymous said...

Hey i like that screensaver! Glad you got a new computer to continue your writing.

I read the Secret too, it help changed my thinking pattern from negative to the positive. Anything is possible ;)

mindspill said...

I like him too, I thought his solitude was too comforting. Imagine sitting in your condo or beach home overlooking the ocean- wow what a view, huh?

Anonymous said...

I like the screen saver, kinda looks like ol' Don Q. I also like your header for the page. I am looking for ideas for my own blog. any ideas?